PYXYA has deployed a Managed SD-WAN solution, automated and autonomous that use Artificial Intelligence.
Our Goal is to allow IT Service Provider to become actor of the entreprise telco revolution.

To an autonomous & agile network?

SD-WAN, that mean “Software Defined Wide Area Network”, is a new software approach that add agility and flexibility into network Telco.
This technological break allow, at least, to dissociate :
- The connectivity provider,
- The service provider

Our mission
Actual telco network are no longer adapted to the massive use of Cloud inside company.
We change the access to those Cloud applications :
- + performant,
- + reliable,
- + agile,
- + available,
- + secure
4 students from Lyon Centrale Digital Lab will work on PYXYA AI program
We are pleased to to welcome : Kenza Yahiaoui, Thomas Furgé, Said Khaboud and Thomas Pennamen, student at Lyon Centrale Digital Lab, to work on our AI innovative programm.
JUNIPER NETWORKS & PYXYA partnership – press release
Press release on Juniper Networks and PYXYA partnership, September 23th 2019 available here.
CDRT LYON – SD-WAN challenges round table – Sept 19th 2019
PYXYA will contribute to CDRT Lyon 12th event : a roundtable on SD-WAN challenges, the September 19th in Lyon.